The Victorian Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists
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VAPP Training Program Prospectus 2024 (updated April 2024)
Supervisors LIST FOR Candidate 2024 docx
The VAPP offers a 4 year psychoanalytic psychotherapy training program for suitably qualified professionals with appropriate clinical experience. Intakes usually occur every two years.
The next intake is planned for 2027.
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy as an important aspect of training a psychotherapist, and so it is essential that the candidate undertakes psychotherapy concurrently with other aspects of the training. Sessions are to be at least twice weekly with a VAPP approved psychotherapist.
An approved Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist for training purposes, is an Adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist with at least five years membership of the VAPP or other commensurate association. Such associations include the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) or Member Association of the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association of Australasia (PPAA).
A list of approved therapists and supervisors can be obtained from the VAPP Training Committee Secretary.
Once accepted – it is a requirement that Candidates have a minimum of twice weekly Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with an approved Psychotherapist.
VAPP candidates are expected to work with a number of patients throughout their training. At least two patients need to be in intensive psychoanalytic psychotherapy twice a week during the training program, and the candidate is required to undertake weekly supervision from a VAPP approved supervisor for each patient. One patient needs to be seen in therapy for at least two years, and the other for at least one year.
Seminars are conducted twice weekly for the first four years of the training, and then less frequently until completion of all the components of the program.
Seminars cover the following three broad categories:
These seminars provide an extensive theoretical basis to the practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. They include an understanding of the central concepts of psychoanalytic theory and their application to practice. Concurrent with these seminars are clinical seminars where candidates discuss their clinical practice as it applies to theory.
Concurrent with theoretical seminars, the clinical seminars provide candidates with the opportunity to present their clinical work for group discussion under the guidance of a seminar leader. This is not a supervision group, but an opportunity to apply theoretical concepts and principles of clinical practice to their own work.
Each candidate is required to observe a baby (with mother or care-giver) on a one-hour-a-week basis for at least a year. Accounts of the experience for each observation are recorded and these accounts are discussed in a weekly seminar. The experience is invaluable in developing powers of observation, and in understanding the emotional states of the infant and mother-infant relationship. On completion, candidates write a paper on their understandings gained from the observation and the weekly seminars.
Candidates are required to prepare a paper focussing on the supervised work with one patient seen during the training program. The paper needs to demonstrate the candidates development as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist.
Throughout the training, regular monitoring of the candidate’s progress is undertaken.
Prospective candidates must have professional backgrounds such as:
Applications for the Training Program are welcomed and are assessed by interview for personal suitability, professional experience and situation.
VAPP Training Committee Secretary
Tel: (03) 9428 2303